Versions Compared


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  • The VLP16 and the IMU should be as close as possible to each other, not more than a few cm. They can of course be  mounted away from the Stencil computer.
  • If they are mounted on a vehicle, and you would like the coordinate system of the vehicle to be localized (instead of the VLP16 coordinate frame called "/sensor"), set up a static transform publisher in the start_localization.launch like this:

          <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="kaarta2car" args="x y z yaw pitch roll /sensor /vehicle_frame 1000"/>

  • The scripts are all in ~/realearth/stencil/install/lib/clay_launch/scripts
  • "realearth" and "clay" are all old/different names used by Kaarta for their products, they are being phased out.
