Instructions for installing/upgrading the AutonomouStuff Binary Driver Pack.


  1. Download and install Kvaser linuxcan (SDK):
    1. Download from the Kvaser Downloads page.
      1. For Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr), download version 5.14.0.
      2. For Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), download the latest version.
    2. The file linuxcan.tar.gz should end up in your ~/Downloads directory. If you downloaded to another location, modify the commands below accordingly.

      cd /usr/src
      sudo mv ~/Downloads/linuxcan.tar.gz .
      sudo tar xvf linuxcan.tar.gz
      cd linuxcan
      sudo make
      sudo make install

      If you have a Kvaser PCIe card, you will also need to do the following:

      gksudo gedit /etc/modules

      Add pciefd on a new line at the end of this file then save and close.

    3. Reboot your machine.
  2. Download and install prerequisites and the Driver Pack.
    1. The driver pack relies on the can_msgs package for underlying communication.

      1. To download on Ubuntu 14.04:

        sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-can-msgs

      2. To download on Ubuntu 16.04:

        sudo apt install ros-kinetic-can-msgs

    2. You will need to get the download link for the Driver Pack from AutonomouStuff support. If you have purchased hardware that requires an AutonomouStuff binary ROS driver and you did not receive the Binary Driver Pack, please contact
    3. Once downloaded, it is assumed that the file will be in your ~/Downloads directory. If you downloaded to another location, modify the commands below accordingly.

      cd ~
      mv ~/Downloads/as_drivers_*.tar.gz .
      tar xvf as_drivers_*.tar.gz

    4. Source the new workspace:

      echo "source ~/as_drivers/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc

  3. Configure other workspaces to work with the Driver Pack.
    1. If you have other ROS workspaces, you will need to make the as_drivers workspace the lowest level in your workspace chain. For more information on workspace chaining, see this article on the ROS Wiki.

Note: Do not catkin_make or catkin build this workspace once installed. This will remove all of the binary drivers from the workspace and only build the open-source packages into the install space.


  1. Upgrading your driver pack is very similar to first-time installation but with fewer steps. First you will need to remove the existing workspace to avoid conflicts:

    cd ~
    rm -rf as_drivers/

  2. Now you only need to follow steps 2a, 2b, and 2c in the installation instructions above.

Note: Do not catkin_make or catkin build this workspace once installed. This will remove all of the binary drivers from the workspace and only build the open-source packages into the install space.

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