driver_name: neobotix_usboard
msgs_name: neobotix_usboard_msgs
- Neobotix USBoard with Bosch Parkpilot URF6/URF7/USS4 Ultrasonic Sensors
Subscribed Topics
Message Type | Topic Name | Description |
can_msgs/Frame | can_tx | All data published to this topic will be parsed by the driver. This should be connected to a CAN interface. |
Published Topics
Message Type | Topic Name | Description |
can_msgs/Frame | can_rx | All data published on this topic is intended to be sent to the sensor via a CAN interface. |
neobotix_usboard_msgs/Data1to4 | parsed_tx/usboard_data1to4 | Raw sensor values, warnings, and alerts generated by connected ultrasonics 1 through 4. |
neobotix_usboard_msgs/Data5to8 | parsed_tx/usboard_data5to8 | Raw sensor values, warnings, and alerts generated by connected ultrasonics 5 through 8. |
neobotix_usboard_msgs/Data9to12 | parsed_tx/usboard_data9to12 | Raw sensor values, warnings, and alerts generated by connected ultrasonics 9 through 12. |
neobotix_usboard_msgs/Data13to16 | parsed_tx/usboard_data13to16 | Raw sensor values, warnings, and alerts generated by connected ultrasonics 13 through 16. |
visualization_msgs/MarkerArray | as_tx/sonar_markers | Visualization information for RViz based on data abstracted from the raw ultrasonic readings. |
Published Topics
Message Type | Topic Name | Description |
can_msgs/Frame | can_tx | All data published to this topic will be parsed by the driver. This should be connected to a CAN interface. |
The decimal representation of the base address used for the CAN messages coming from the device.